
pokegods e leggende metropolitane

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Dark Latias 95
view post Posted on 30/12/2008, 16:18     +2   +1   -1

Qui posteremo tutte le "bufale" che abbiamo sentito o letto riguardo i giochi pokemon.

Si ricorda che tutto ciò che va postato qui è FALSO, perciò non provateci!

Inoltre è SEVERAMENTE VIETATO inventare bufale sul momento per ingannare gli altri utenti, qui si parla di leggende storiche, che hanno illuso moltissimi giocatori e pubblicate anche da famose riviste.

Pokemon Verde/Rosso/Blu/Giallo

Prendere Mew: Prendete un Chansey lv.100, fategli fare Covauova e nascerà Mew.
Prendere Mew: Se vai nella palestra di Blaine e sbagli tutti i quiz lui ti dirà "sei proprio una frana con i quiz" e ti dara uno strano biglietto che ti fara andare nell'isola dei quiz. Se in quest'isola vinci il torneo dei quiz ti daranno come premio mew al lv 100.
Prendere Mew: Quando arriva la M/N Anna non prendetela. Fatevi dare da un amico un pokemon con Taglio, poi seguite l’avventura regolarmente e quando avrete Forza e Surf andate alla M/N anna e fate Surf a destra fino a che non arrivate su un pezzo di terra con un camion su cui dovrete fare forza per poi trovare Mew.
Prendere Mew: Se peschi 100 volte nel laghetto alla 101 volta ti apparirà Mew al lv.5.
Prendere Mew: Quando avrete 5 pokemon al cento al 6 posto allenate un Golem. Dopo aver fatto questo andate a parlare col professor oak che vi darà l’mt 51 che sarebbe superforza. Ora insegnatela a Golem e andate al lato destro del laboratorio dove dovrete usarla. A quel punto crollerà la parete e da li uscirà Mew.
Prendere Mew: Quando arrivate a 100 ore di gioco la nave tornerà facendovi salire. Sopra la nave arriverà un marinaio che ti dirà che se il capitano ti vede ti sbatterà fuori però vale la pena rischiare un po’ perché nel loro lungo viaggio hanno catturato molti pokemon fortissimi ed anche uno che non avevano mai visto. Il marinaio va via lasciandoti solo, a quel punto puoi decidere 3 stanze dove entrare e in ognuna c'è un pokemon al 100 però se hai davvero fortuna puoi trovare quella con dentro Mew. Appena uscirete dalla terza stanza arriverà il capitano che vi sbatterà fuori.
Prendere Mew: Si può andare sulla luna a catturare Mew con la sfera GS.
Prendere Mew: Arriva alla nave ma nn farla partire (fatti dare un pokemon con taglio). Finisci il gioco senza far partire la nave, prendi Porygon e fallo arrivare al livello 100. Arrivato al livello 100 imparerà una mossa che ti permetterà di andare sullo spazio. Per far ciò metti nella tua squadra 1 pokemon con Forza e questo porygon. Vai al camioncino e spostalo cn forza e poi vai nello spazio dove potrai trovare Mew.
Prendere Mew: Solo prima di battere Brock, se avevi Pikachu scontento parlavi con il tizio che dice che alla figlia gli catturerà un pikachu e glielo lasci. Per ricompensa ti da un biglietto che ti permette di andare sulla luna con l'astronave Columbia, quella del centro. Arrivato sulla luna trovi la sfera GS e Mew.
Prendere Mew: Dopo che siete andati alla città dei numeri riandate alla zona safari con tutti i pkmn al 100 e camminate finchè nn trovate una grotta. Lì catturate un marowak liv 60 e poi proseguite il cammino. In fondo alla grotta torverete mew ke sta cercando il suo amico marowak"
Prendere Mew/Togepi/Marill: Mew, pikablu (attuale marill) e togepi si potevano trovare nella città dei numeri.
Prendere Mew/Mewtwo: Quando andate alle Isole Spumarine per catturare Articuno dovrete avere 5 pokemon al 100 più uno spazio libero. Quando arrivate all’isoletta cominciate a girarci in torno finchè non si apre una voragine dove Articuno cade sparendo. A quel punto appaiono Mew e Mewtwo che combattono cosi tu dovrai scegliere quale catturare avvicinandoti.
Prendere Mewtwo: Se tagli l'alberello davanti alla grotta ti apparirà Mewtwo corazzato di Giovanni al lv.350.
Diventare Capopalestra: Sconfiggi 100 volte la lega.
Prendere Togepi: Se giri per 8 ore nell'erba alta troverai Togepi al lv.100.
Prendere Togepi: Andate al monte luna con 6 clefairy e usate 100 volte il detector, la centesima volta rivelerà qualcosa e cosi apparirà Togepi.
Prendere Togepi: Battendo 11 volte la lega e andando da Misty si riceveva Togepi
Trovare Missingno: Se usi detector dentro il centro medico di zafferanopoli ti appare MissingNo.
Fusione: Nelle Isole Spumarine dovrebbe esserci uno scienziato pazzo che vi regala una pozione per fondere i Pokemon.
Nuovo Pokemon: Sulle Isole Spumarine si dovrebbe trovare un Pokemon inesistente, con un nome tipo "Subroclock", uguale a Diglett ma con un orologio sulla pancia. Ho sentito anche le mosse: Ripresa, Metronomo, "Ore contate".
Prendere Marill: Vai nell'acqua che porta alla grotta ignota. Usa il detector finchè non risponde, poi vola a Fucsiapoli e nuota fino alle isole Spumarine, nuotando per un tempo molto lungo. Devi usare la Masterball per catturare Marill. Ha tuono, electrode (?) e un attacco ghiaccio con un nome strano,
Prendere Marill: Vai nell'acqua che porta alla grotta ignota. Usa il detector finchè non risponde, poi vai nel posto dove si trovava Mewtwo. Cammina intorno e cattura il primo Pokemon che incontri: è Marill.
Prendere Marill: Devi avere tutti i 150 pokemon senza Gameshark. Vai a Plumbeopoli e fatti portare al museo dal tizio, sali le scale e parla alla ragazza che vuole un Pikachu. Vai subito via. Senza fare passi appena uscito vola ad Azzurropoli. Parla alla commessa del casinò: dirà che ha trovato un Pokemon abbandonato e te lo darà, ma non potrai ancora usarlo. Vola a Biancavilla e parla al prof. Oak: dirà che hai consegnato il pacco di Oak. Ora puoi chiamare il Pokemon Marill e usarlo: è molto forte
Annullare tipi: Andate dopo aver catturato zapdos e averlo protato a livello 100 nella centrale elettrica. Li premete A su ogni sasso che può essere raggiunto. All' ultimo si sentirà tipo un tuono e il sasso si sposterà, rivelando una entrata segreta. Scendete e troverete Surge che vi sfida con 6 raichu a liv 100.
Se lo battete vi darà una mt speciale che serve ad annullare i tipi di pokemon, evitando al pokemon che la usa di "superefficace".

Pokemon Oro/Argento/Cristallo

Prendere Celebi: Entra nella palestra prima di aver battuto Misty, passale dietro usando la stradina, girati verso Misty e usa Fossa. Si aprirà un buco dove se ci entrerai troverai Celebi.
Prendere Celebi: Girate per un' ora davanti al tempio di Celebi fino a che non apparirà furioso Celebi, arrabbiatissimo per il fastidio che gli hai dato.
Prendere Celebi: usate Profumino di un Meganium lv100 davanti al tempio del Bosco di Lecci. Apparirà a lv.40.
Prendere Celebi: Battete 50 volte la lega e 50 volte red poi andate da professor oak che vi darà la gs ball che dovrete usare per catturare celebi davanti al suo tempietto
Prendere Celebi: Parlate nel Bosco di Lecci con il ragazzo che dice di aver visto un pokemon che non aveva mai visto e poi cominciate ad usare bottintesta sugli alberi, se sarete fortunati apparirà Celebi.
Prendere Celebi: Quando dovrete fare uno scambio con qualche persona nel gioco dategli un pokemon al cento, fate questa cosa per tre volte poi il terzo vi dirà che vi ha truffato perché non vi può dare nessun pokemon però vi da un uovo e va via, da quel uovo uscirà Celebi.
Palestra Personale: Se avevi Machamp al livello 100 e il massimo dei soldi, potevi andare a parlare col tizio che costruisce ad Aranciopoli, e lui avrebbe costruito una Palestra per te.
Palestra Personale: Dopo aver finito il pokedex andate a Villazzurra dove vi daranno uno speciale biglietto, che dovrete usare sulla nave per andare alle Lega Orange. Se battete 150 vote la lega apparirà la vostra palestra dove potrete sfidare molti allenatori.
Comprare Città: Se arrivi a 999.999$ tua madre ti chiama perchè un signore ti propone di comprare una città e deciderne tu disposizione e pkmn trovabili nei dintorni.
Morire: Se attraversi le rotaie in bici in continuazoine (la città è quella del mega market se non sbaglio...) per 15 volte quando hai i 3 cani leggendari in squadra, passa il treno e muori. di conseguenza la cartuccia viene azzerata.
Prendere Celebi: Andate a Monte Scodella quando avete 250 pokemon e dove c'era il tizio che vi dava Tyrogue se lo sconfiggevate ora c è Celebi.
Prendere Armatura Mewtwo: Battete 100 volte la lega poi andate a celestopoli e usate il detector vicino alla Grotta Ignota, a quel punto il detector si romperà e se andate a cercare vicino alla grotta troverete invece del Genefurioso l’armatura di Mewtwo che se darete ad un Mewtwo arriverà al 200.
Pkmn > lv100: Bisogna andare al Lago d'Ira, pescare un Gyarados lv.50, darlo al pescatore nella casa accanto, che vi darà una speciale caram. rara che fa salire (solo con le caram. rare normali) i pokemon fino al liv. 999.
Lega Orange: Batti 99 volte la lega alla centesima in sala d'onore arriva oak ke dice ke ormai Joto e Kanto sono poco per te e devi andare in un nuovo mondo, cioè la lega orange, lui ti da un biglietto ke con la nave ti porta alla lega orange.

Pokemon Rubino/Zaffiro/Smeraldo

Prendere Jirachi: vai a Verdeazzupoli dove c'è il masso bianco con Altaria e Absol liv100, schiaccia sulla roccia e Altaria cantando farà apparire Jirachi.
Prendere Jirachi: Battete 100 volte la lega e poi andate dal prof. Birch che vi darà l’etichetta del desiderio che dovrete attaccare al meteorite a verdeazzurropoli per far apparire Jirachi.
Prendere Jirachi: Dopo aver fatto apparire l’isola miraggio senza aver preso la baccalici andate alla lega e fatevi battere da Rocco, poi tornate all’isola miraggio e troverete Jirachi che sta mangiando la baccalici che potrete catturare.
Prendere Jirachi: Dopo aver battuto tutte le volte il mago dei quiz andate a cercarlo nella via vittoria e se lo troverete vi regalerà Jirachi.
Prendere Jirachi: Arrivati a 100 lanci nel centro spaziale parlate con la ragazza vicino alla roccia bianca,cliccateci con A e vi apparirà Jirachi.
Prendere Deoxys: Dopo aver battuto 100 volte la lega se cercherete sott’acqua vedrete che si è aperto un buco dove se entrerete troverete Deoxis.
Prendere Deoxys: Quando entrerete in possesso della sfera rossa o blu se vi fate dare da un amico la sfera che vi manca appena andrete su qualunque percorso esse esploderanno facendo apparire Deoxys.
Prendere Deoxys: Quando il razzo di verdeazzurropoli arriva a 250 lanci andate da vostra madre che vi regalerà il biglietto per partire con il razzo dove prenderete Deoxys.
Reji: Se catturavi i tre Regi la porta della casa del vecchio a Verdeazzupoli si sbloccava e trovavi un oggetto che se lo davi a un Regi e lo scambiavi si fondevano insieme e facevano un SUPER-pokemon potentissimo di Acciaio,Ghiaccio e Roccia.
Prendere Feebas: Per prendere Feebas bisogna far sentire il verso di Milotic mentre si pesca.
Andare a Kanto/Jotho: Se riuscirete a vincere la lega con un solo pokemon a livello 50 quando tornerete a Iridopoli con surf troverete affianco alla Via Vittoria un'altra grotta che si chiamerà grotta ??? e se la passerete tutta vi accorgerete che era la grotta ignota infatti sarete a Kanto e da li potrete andare anche a Jotho.

Pokemon RossoFuoco/VerdeFoglia

Pokemon Rosa: Dovete aver già battuto Misty, quindi andate alla sua palestra, usate surf verso la scaletta a destra, e avendo un Ditto al 1° posto, fate usare Fossa a un Pokemon, si aprirà un buco. Entrateci e vi troverete in una grotta, dove non ci sono pokemon ma solo un cartello. Uscite e vi troverete nell'isola. Inizialmente non c'è erba alta, dopo aver superato la cascata proseguite verso sud. Troverete l'erba e potrete catturarli: le stat. sono rosa.
Luxor: Andate nella grotta di Mewtwo (dovete averlo già) e dove si trovava il pokemon usate Flash. Apparirà un segno sul pavimento e la terra tremerà. Velocemente fate surf e andate nel punto indicato nell'acqua, vi ritroverete a Biancavilla. Due massi bloccano il Percorso 1, quindi parlate con Oak. Vi porterà nel Laboratorio dove vedrete una Pokeball d'oro. Cliccate su di essa e sparirà. Uscite e ora che i massi non ci sono più proseguite. Non c è più l'erba alta tranne in una piccolissima zona. Camminate lì e troverete Luxor a lv0.
Prendere Mew e Celebi: Dovete avere in squadra un Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon e Nidoqueen livello 100. Andate a Miramare e parlate con Bill tre volte: la prima con Jolteon al primo posto, la seconda con Vaporeon e la terza con Flareon (l'ordine è obbligatorio). Lui vi dirà "Bella la tua squadra, ma anch'io possiedo questi Pokémon". Uscite allora dalla casa, vedrete due massi, spostateli con Nidoqueen e troverete 2 Pokéball. Premete A sulle Pokéball (prima su quella di sopra e poi su quella di sotto) e appariranno un Espeon e un Umbreon selvatici di Livello 5. Prendeteli e tornate da Bill e questa volta oltre a Jolteon Flareon e Vaporeon mettete a primo posto anche Espeon ed Umbreon. Lui vi dirà "Bella la tua squadra, possiedi anche due Pokémon che non avevo mai visto. Che ne dici di uno scambio?" Accettate e in cambio di Espeon e Umbreon vi darà Mew e Celebi livello 50.

Pokemon Mistery Dungeon Rosso/Blu

Pokemon Diamante/Perla

pokemon rosa:
pokegod sono dei pokemon che secondo chi crede in questa leggenda metropolitana,sarebbero stati messi nella beta e resi introvabili ma ci sarebberò ancora nel vero gioco:ovviamente tutto questo è falso:qua sotto riportero cosa dicono siti sui pokegod(ne ho beccati anche alcuni italiani):
dati(fake)nel pokedex:



image(venustoise è presente anche nell'anime.

inglesi:(verranno pian piano tradotti)

Ottenere Anthrax:per ottenere Anthrax, il pokegod,devi battere la lega pokemo 104 volte senza ritirarenessun pokemon(con i pokemon nello stesso ordine). dopo la 104° volta, andate a isola cannella e fate su e giù sulla riva ,e troverete dopo un po' Anthrax. è imposibile da caricare senza una masterball.

To get Mew, the biggest rumour creator in the history of pokemon, simply get 150 pokemon,8 badges,beat the elite four , all without getting CUT from the ss.anne, and then go to the celedon mansion where the designer congratulate you and will give you MEW


Mew is the 151 pokemon, it is known as the mother of Mewtwo. There is also many ways to get Mew, and I got most of them. Here is one. First see all 150 Pokemon, if you get all 150 this wont work. Then fight with someone in the Collosium using a Game link cable. After that go to the place where you got Eevee and Mew will be patiently waiting in a Poke ball.
Another Way To Get Mew

First, you beat the game by getting all 150 Pokemon, but DO NOT go on the S.S. Anne. In order to get cut you must trade with another person who has cut. Then, go back to the S.S. Anne and surf to the right side of the bridge (past the guard). You will then see a truck, use strentgh on it. Mew will then pop out from under the truck. But you must fight it. I suggest using master ball.
To Catch Mew

First you must own at least 70 pokemon then go over to were the ssanne was and surf up an down where it looks like your half on the dock and half on the water!
To Catch Mew Again

Name a magikarp mew and drop it off at the daycare. After a while pick it up and it will be a mew!
Yet Another Way TO Catch Mew

In VICTORY ROAD, make sure you have every item in there and make sure you fought every trainer and talk to them at least once, and make sure you have all 150 Pokemon. Then go to the spot where you cought MOLTRES and walk through the spot where MOLTRES was standing and eventually MEW will battle you. (note: mew MUST attack (battle) you in the spot where MOLTRES was standing before, or else the trick wont work if a you get attacked outside of MOLTRES's standing)
Chorona Mew

Use Mew and Mewtwo to beat the elite four and then give them each the lightning stone (Not Thunderstone!) and they will disappear and in there place will be chorona-mew!


You have to find the guy's glasses which could be anywhere in the game. They are most likley to be in the Silfh Co. or the rocket Game Corner hideout. Use the item finder to find the glasses. When u find the glasses you have to find the guy who could be any where but he is probably in Saffron or Celadon City. Give him the glasses and he will fly you to the Pokegod Island. There is only 1 pc there and you have to fight to get there. Next to the pc is a guy that you trade with to get Mewthree.

to get Pikablu, first you must have caught mew and milleneum. Once you have 152 pokemon,go to the area where you swim to get to the hidden dungeon and use the item finder in the water. nothing will happen, and then just keep pressing A in the water until a screen comes up and says found pokeball!.then go to bill,talk to him twice and look at all three of his pokemon in the computer and then go to the elite four and beat them once,and as oak is talking to you,he will notice the pokeball and Pikablu will be yours!


To Catch Pikablu in any Version: Follow these Simple steps to catch him!

1.First you must catch all 150 Pokemon NOT I repeat NOT using GameShark.

2. Then you also must have Seventeen of your Pokemon at Level 100.

3. Then when all of these tasks are complete, go to the guy in Pewter City who asks you if you have been to the Museum yet. Say NO so he takes you to the door.

4. Then go into the museum and go upstairs and talk to the Lady who says "I want My boyfriend to catch me a Pikachu!"

5. After you talk to her, immediatly come out of the door and once you come out of the door do not take any steps forward. left, or right. Immediatly use fly and go to Celedon City.

6. Go to the Safari zone and catch a Tuaros. Leave room in your pokemon slots. So only bring 5 when you go to catch him. Then put tuaros in your 1st slot.

7. Go into the Game Corner and talk to the Lady that says "Go Next Door to the Coin Exchange Corner to use your coins to get great Prizes!"

8. But this time she will say, "Hey? You have all the badges? WOW! Well then since you were nice enough to talk to me, I will give you this Pokemon I found stranded behind then Pokemon Museum, he is so strong I can not control him. But since you have all the badges, YOU TAKE HIM!

9. It will say, "You got ???????" Then when you try to use it it will just be like if you were pressing cancel and it will exit every time you click on it. Then go to Proffesor Oak and he will say the same thing he says when you give him Oaks Parcel, it will still say "YOU DELIVERED OAKS PARCEL!"

10. Then when you go into your pokemon line and it will replace the Pokemon in your first slot. So put a weak pokemon in first. It will still be called ????? so go to the Nickname guy and change it to Pikablu. It has a ElectricWave, Psyshock, and Electrode... Dont ask me why its Electrode but its an awesome move.

11. It is a Level 999 and Pikablu will, Yes it will (maybe) appear in your Pokedex! After 150 it will say 154 and then you look at the Pokedex Info and it will look like this...
(I have tried this LONG code and I had trouble catching a tauros, so I stopped there!!!!!)(I also dont believe this code actually works!!!!!)
Name: Pikablu Type: ??????? Height: 2" 3" Length: 3" 4"

Height: 2" 3" Wieght: 34

Stats: Attack-999 Defense-999 Speed-999 Special-999

(NOTE: this following code was not done by me! I found it on some site!!!!!)

Ok I was in the Safari Zone and I saw a Pikablu and Togepy!! I don't know how but I think I have it here. This is weird so listen carefully. Ok first I taught Surf to Snorlax. Then I surfed 20 times up and down the half on land and half on water part. So than I went to the Safari Zone and-oh my gosh-a Pikablu and then a Togepy. But it ran away. But I reccomend before going into the Safari Zone you think of a plan. I can only tell you this. Never throw a rock at Togepy and never throw a Poke Ball at Pikablu without throwing 3 baits! Ok so there it is. But if these do not work Mail me back and maybe there should be more to add than that.

To get Hisfishi, you must have five level 100 magikarp in your line up and go fishing in misty's gym and win ten battles with the magikarp.after the ten wins,misty will walk down pissed off and say are you going to challenge me or not!? reply no and she will give Hisfishi and she will be laughing as it's real name in english is HELLFISH

To get slowking you must have mew,mewtwo and mariru in your lineup as well as two slowbros.beat the elite four 57 times and you will see that the two slowbros merge to make slowking and mew and mewtwo will be put back into your computer.

To get tenriyuu will need the help of a friend.You must have 6 terradactyl and you must trade each of them 10 times. After that they will all merge into 2 Terniyuu

To get buru you must have all the other pokegods except Togipei and go talk to bill 23 times and he will make you look after buru for 2 hours.After two hours of gameplay bill will come back onto the screen and take buru back and he will say"thanks!" and give you 99999999 yen.

to get millenuem you must play pokemon until the timer says 999:99. you then swim the shore like Missing No. and instead of Missing No., you will get Millenum


Missingno is a glitch, many people say it's the fourth legendary bird "Houou or Flareth". Missingno stands for Missing Number. It is number 000 but it doesn't have a profile in the Pokedex, but I had a few info. in my pokedex. Here is how to get him, first trade with someone in the Cinnabar Island Lab. After that, go to the right of the Cinnabar Island and surf half-land and half-water. Soon you will get into a battle. The screen will be black for 3-5 seconds. Many people say Missingno can corrupt your game. Missingno can also delete your saved game. Catch Missingno at your own risk.
Another Way To Get Missingno

This is another way to get Missingno, first get a pokemon that can fly and another one that can surf. Fly to Viridian City and talk to the guy who shows you how to catch pokemon. When he ask if you are in a hurry, say no and watch him catch a Weedle. After you finish watching him, fly to Cinnabar Island and surf up and down on the right side of Cinnabar Island. It will take a little while before you get into battle with Missingno.

Mysterio is a glitch similar to Missingno. It doesn't actually say Mysterio. It says something like "..'M..." To get Mysterio, do the code on how to Another way to get Missingno in the second time. Sometime this code doesn't work for some people because they get pokemons higher than Level 100 instead of getting Mysterio. Confusing isn't it? After you capture Mysterio, there is another pokemon in the background. Capture it and it will say "You Caught a Ditto".

Another Way To Get Pikablu

Go to the water next to the "unknown dungeon" and use the itemfinder. Soon, you should find a note inside a pokeball telling you about a mysterious pokemon near Cinnabar Island. Swim up and down the coast (right side, I think) until you find pikablu. He's tough and I suggest you use a masterball. He has Ice and Elactric abilities. (Don't ask me how!)
Yet Another Way To Get Pikablu

Get all 151 pokemon and go to MT.moon and there will be a pokeball with pikablu in it he will be at level 90.
How To Find Pikablu

In Cerulean Caverns, Pikablu is very rare, and you need Max Repel to find her. Pikablu is found by using Max Repel. Before Max Repel wears off, one Pokemon might penetrate your Repel. This Pokemon will come in any form, but is strong. This is a great Pokémon to use your Master Ball on. Pikablu will attack with moves like Thunderswift and Quicklight.
Another Way To Catch Pikablu

.Follow these Simple steps to catch him! 1.First you must catch all 150 Pokemon NOT I repeat NOT using GameShark. 2. Then you also must have Seventeen of your Pokemon over Level 70. 3. Then when all of these tasks are complete, go to the guy in Pewter City who asks you if you have been to the Museum yet. Say NO so he takes you to the door. 4. Then go into the museum and go upstairs and talk to the Lady who says "I want My boyfriend to catch me a Pikachu!" 5. After you talk to her, immediatly come out of the door and once you come out of the door do not take any steps forward. left, or right. Immediatly use fly and go to Celedon City. 6. Go into the Game Corner and talk to the Lady that says "Go Next Door to the Coin Exchange Corner to use your coins to get great Prizes!" 7. But this time she will say, "Hey? You have all the badges? WOW! Well then since you were nice enough to talk to me, I will give you this Pokemon I found stranded behind then Pokemon Museum, he is so strong I can not control him.But since you have all the badges, YOU TAKE HIM! 8. It will say, "You got ???????" Then when you try to use it it will just be like if you were pressing cancel and it will exit every time you click on it. Then go to Proffesor Oak and he will say the same thing he says when you give him Oaks Parcel, it will still say "YOU DELIVERED OAKS PARCEL!" 9. Then when you go into your pokemon line and it will replace the Pokemon in your first slot. So put a spearow or something in first. It will still be called ????? so go to the Nickname guy and change it to Pikablu. It has a ElectricWave, Psyshock, and Electrode... Dont ask me why its Electrode but its an awesome move. 10. It is a Level 999 and Pikablu will, Yes it will appear in your Pokedex! After 150 it will say 154 and then you look at the Pokedex Info and it will look like this... Name: Pikablu Type: ??????? Height: 2" 3" Length: 3" 4" Stats: Attack-999 Defense-999 Speed-999 Special-999 Attacks: ElectricWave Psyshock Electrode SonicBoom When you get 60,000 more experience points after catching it It Learns SonicBoom when you gain around 60, 000 experience points and it kills any pokemon in one hit and it never misses!
Another Way To Catch Pikablu Again

To get PIKA-BLU and FLARA-CHU: each person trades a pikachu 8 times there and back there and back..... then use a Fire stone or water stone to evolve pikachu.
Yet Another Way TO Get Pikablu Again

You have to find the bottle first. The bottle is in the waters somewhere. It changes for each quest of the game. The ones that I have heard are Cerulean Water, Cerulean Gym, Power Plant water, I found it under the Waters of Unknown Dungeon. You will get it when you TELEPORT back to the Cerulean City Pokemon Center. Once you teleport back it will say that you found a bottle! After you find it go to the items and select it. It should give you a message on where Pikablu EXACTLY is. On mine it says the middle of the waters of Seafoam Islands. I went there and teleported and I found pikablu. For somereason I did not teleport back but I got him. Then I moved to the right and it telported and I found a mist stone. Some people say they found it by battling it. I don't know why maybe when they surfed to that spot a battle may have actifated it. Or maybe it was a cable link fight. I don't know.
You Guess It, Another Way TO Get Pikablu

To get pikablu have 99 of each stone put them at the top of your item list it will say what the and you will have 99 mist stones, you can evolve any pokemon with it.
Get Togepy and Pikablu

Go to Fuchsia City and then go down to the shore. Go left to right 20 times then go to the Safari Zone. Togepy and Pikablu should be right there!
Another Way To Get Togepy And Pikablu

First go to the safari zone and suf about 25 times half land and half water. Next get off and look around. There will be a few MISSINGNO. but I don' t recomend catchin them. After awhile a pikablu or topegy will show up!!!! These pokemon are exremely hard to catch.
How To Get Togepy

Another Way To Get Togepy

Have all 150 pokemon. Have a level 100 Eggsecute at the top of your list and talk to Professer Oak, then he will give you one!!!!!!!!!
To Get Secret Pokemon Hifishi

First have 151 Pokémon then in the 6 pokémon that you carry have numbers 1-6, also you have to have ALL the unevolved forms too. Then in all the boxes have Pokémon 7-151 ALL in order. Then go to the entrance of the unknwon dungeon and DONOT go in instead swim in the water right of it and go up and take a right. Then use your item finder until it finds an item. Then use your Pokéflute and it will say HIFISHI awoke in rage, then it will get into battle and you will have the safari zone choises of rock and bait, throw 5 baits 5 rocks and 6 balls to catch, then its not done yet once you cath him the bins will have no room, so let ALL pokémon go accept for Mew, and then from the entrance of the unknwon dungeon with only one Pokémon use the super rod into the water while on the bike, then a ditto will apear, catch it and it will be Pokémon No.-001, and then save the game and beat the game with just these two pokémon and you will have ALL your pokémon back. He is calssified as Type1/Rare Type2/Water He comes at Lv: 70.
An extremely hostile water POKéMON. Uses large gills to dive deep into water. Only one has ever been confirmed, and nobody has ever caught it.
Water Rapids 25/25 Whirlpool 10/10 Bubble Jet 15/15 Waterfall 5/5 Lv.75 - Title Wave 7/7 Lv.87 - Deep Dive 16/16 (Famous Attack) Lv.99 - Typhoon 20/20
Health: 999/999 Speed - 777 Attack - 777 Defense - 777 Special - 777
Super Pikachu

This might not work but there is a super pikachu that is five pikachu in one first you buy the magikarp form the guy in the pokecenter then you find every one who wants to trade and trade with all of them, then teach a snorlax to surf.now befor you figh lorile surf on your snorlax up and down the edge of the dock and it will appear!
To Get Flareth

Put the three legendary birds at the top of your active list(Articuno, Moltres,and Zapdos)then go to the top floor of the Celadon city departement store. Talk to the thirsty girl who wines for a drink. DO THAT 100 TIMES! Finally she offers you a Flareth if you go away.
Doomsday and Supachu

The 152 pokemon is a ghost called doomsday there is supposedly a ghost stone in the game ad with it you take a gengar and a missingno and they will morph together with the stone there is also a lightning stone in mt. moon that will evolve a raichu into a supachu also if you have all 150 pokemon and 6 pikas do this get into a fight against a wild pokemon then have the 6 pikas and put them in one at a time then when you have your last pikachu out beat the pokemon and the pikas will get exp. points then it will say what pikas are evolving you will now have a pikachu storm cloud which is the second strongest pokemon.

Go to the guy that tells you geodudes evolves i think that guy is in the celadon department store in the game department. in there, there is a guy that is playing gb. talk to him and he gives you charcolt i do not know if that is the right guy though

To Get Yoshi

To get the hidden "Yoshi" pokemon you need two players who both have beaten the game and have all 150 pokemon. 1.) The Blue version player trades the Red version player for a Dratini. 2.) The Blue version player then gets Dratini to a Dragonite and gives it back to the Red version player. Then the Red version player heads to the basement level of the Unknown Dungeon and surf closest to where MewTwo is/was. Then he/she uses a Fire Stone on the Dragonite.(Notice "Not Available" will appear but still select it.) 3.) The screen will glitch, and the Dragonite will evolve into "Yoshi". 4.) This Pokemon will have the stats and name of Dragonite, however it will have Yoshi's pic and will be No. 999. All you have to do is rename it as Yoshi.

In Poketower, run from a Haunter and a Gastly and a Cubone and use Max Repel. Gastly, Haunter, and Cubone must be right one after another. Run from each. Then use Max Repel, as with Pikablu, one will penetrate your Repel, only this one will look like a mix between Charizard and Moltres.

This is in Viridian Forest. He will look like a mix between Articuno and Charmander. He will attack with both Fire and Ice attacks. He may also use Psychic. This is more commonly found in Poketower. To find him, faint all of these Pokemon in this order. In Viridian Forest: Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pikachu In Poketower: Cubone, Marowak, Gastly, Haunter. To recieve Charticuno, you must have all the Pokemon listed above.

The most powerful Pokemon. He can only be found once, and that's in Rock Tunnel. You cannot use Flash. Melomagticuno is a Poison/Ice/Fire pokemon. Walk around until an Onix appears. He must then be followed by a Zubat, he must then be followed by a Paras, then a Geodude. All these must be at least 10 steps apart. When you see him, do not run! He is a level 90 Pokemon, but just putting him to sleep will let you capture him with an Ultra Ball. He attacks with moves like Fissure, Crumble, Fireball, Melomagticuno kill, and Ice Dance.


1.Have all 151 Pokemon.
2.Beat the Elite 4 three times and not getting hit.

3.Go talk to the 7 gyms leaders

4.Go talk to Prof. Oak and he will fight you with his last pokemon in full evolved form at Level 100. When you beat him, he will give you a Houou.

Secret Pokemon

In Rock Tunnel, do not use Flash and head up and left. If you get to the right place, you will be attacked. This Pokemon will come in the form of Onix, Geodude, or Zubat, but wil use moves like Fog, Transform, Haze, and Ghost. It has a level of 82, so be careful. This only appears once.
How To Get Pikabud

Have 150 Pokemon and go to the girl who wants a Pikachu, u must have 10 level 100 pikachu's, 4 in your PC and 6 with you. Talk to her and she will trade you a Pikabud for a Pikachu!!!!
How To Get Crysallis

You must have all 150 Pokemon. Have 6 level 100 Kakuna in your active list, fight every trainer in the game. Then go to Viridian Forest, fight a Weedle and Caterpie. Then Fly to Pewter city brock will give you a crysallis.
How To Get Pikish

First put an Oddish at the top of your active list.evolve it in to a gloom capture 50 more pokemon that you don’t have buy a leaf stone use it on gloom now you can use a thunder stone on VileGloom he will evolve in to a Pikish!!!!
How To Get Slasheon

To get Slasheon, use a moon stone on Sandslash. To do this, you have to have 150 pokemon.
How To Get Venustoise

Get all 150 or 151 Pokemon. Beat the elite 4 ten times in a row. Now fight a wild pokemon, do that again 40 more times. Kill each one of them, now catch a mew (Gameshark Code 0115D8CF) fight another mew and catch it with a pokeball. Dont use any other ball or the code wont work. Go to professer oak he will give you his book. Go in Bills House and throw the book at the transporter or what ever it is. It will blow up now go behind there walk all the way back until you find a pokeball. It contains Venustoise.
How To Get Titon

Grow a Magikarp to level 100. Do not let him evolve into Garados. When he is lv. 100, make him fight a Mewtwo and win.
How To Get NidoGod

To get NidoGod trade a Nidoking 40 times it will get 100x more experience than before.get it to level 240 now catch 40 Rattata and it will evolve!!!!Then talk to that team rocket guy near the pokecenter at Celadon city he will give u 99 mist and ice stones which you can evolve ANY pokemon with!!!!!!!!!!
How To Get Altanes

An evolve form of mewtwo. You have to go and beat the game with 150 pokemon and never lose a fight through out the whole game. Then go to the Unknown Dungon and go were mewtwo is then save and use escape rope to get out. Surf on the Seafoam Islands and catch a missingno go talk to gary's sister 20 times and go back where mewtwo is and then fight him and as you see it won't be mewtwo it will be a evolve form of mewtwo and check the name, it is Altanes.

How To Get Pikablu
First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark to normal. Put in the first place of your party a Raichu. Turn on the switch. Now go to Lavender town and rename Raichu PIKABLU ( In Caps ). Pikablu is yours!

How To Get Locustod
First enter the code in GameShark then set the switch on your GameShark to normal. Put in the first place of your party a ButterFree. Turn on the switch. Now go to Lavender town and rename ButterFree LOCUSTOD ( In Caps ). Locustod is yours! He is Pokémon number #175.

To get the secret Pokemon in the secret areas, you must do the secret
access code. It is the following:
(1.) Must have all 150 pokemon
(2.) Must have beaten the Elite Four
(3.) Have three Legendary Birds and three Goedudes
(4.) Put the three Birds at the top of the active six list (Articuno, then Zapdos, then Moltres)
(5.) Put the Geodudes at the bottom of the list
(6.) Talk to Mr. Psychic in Saffron City
(7.) He will say something different then he'll say "Regularly now that you have done the access code you must have two versions of the game . . ." (8.) Now you must get each of these in order.

Once you have Mew go to the guy in Celadon Department Store that tells you Graveler evolves into Golem when traded. Now go into the TV/Game department (where you got the TM Counter). There will be a guy playing Game Boy. Talk to him and he should give you Charcolt. If not, just wander
around that building talking to people. You should find him.

Learn all about the Pokegods:
After you catch all of the legendary bird pokemon (Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres), put them at the top of your list of fighting pokemon and talk to Mr. Psychic in Saffron City. He'll tell you about the pokegods.

Capture Pikablu:
Go to the water next to the Unknown Dungeon and use the itemfinder. Soon you should find a note inside a pokeball telling you about a mysterious pokemon near the Cinnibar Islands. Swim up and down the coast(on the right side) until you find Pikablu (he kicks ***). He's really tough so be ready! He has Ice and Electric powers. You'll have to have your best pokemon at the top of your list.

I'v tried this next 1 and it didnt work!!!!!
Get Flareth:
Capture all of the legendary birds. Put them at the top of your pokemon fighting list and then go to the Celadon City department store and go to the top floor and talk to the girl that was thisty. Buy a drink and then after giving the drink to the girl you will get a TM. After that, talk to her 100 times and she'll give you Flareth if you go away.

or try:

Too get Flareth you have to have 4 Moltres', and that's all in your lineup. Then talk to the thirsty girl on the rooftop of the PokeMart in Celadon City 100 times! Then talk to her once more, she will get annoyed with you and give you Flareth to go away.

This next 1 also didnt work!

Get Charcolt:
Now you have to have either the birds at the top and 3 geodudes at the bottom, or the birds at the top and a geodude, a graveler, and a golem at the bottom. The you go to the Celedon City PokeMart and talk to the people that are trading, and one of them should give you Charcolt.

Togepy: (NEW!)
all you do is use the item finder in mt. moon 100 times (make sure that it is all in different places, or it doesn't work)and on the 101 time it will respond. when you find the item it will be an egg. after you play long enough the egg will hatch and presto! you have a togepy!

Chrona-Mew: Use Mew and Mewtwo to beat the elite four and then give them each the lightning stone(which I dont know how to find!!!!!)(Not Thunderstone!) and they will disappear and in there place will be chrona-mew!

Sapausaur Charcolt and Rainer: Give
Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise the Mist stone(which I dont know how to get!!!!!)!

Metazap: Give Metapod the Lightning stone!

each person trades a pikachu 8 times there and back there and back..... then use a Fire stone or water stone to evolve pikachu



Pokegod GameShark Codes:>>>>>>>>>> hear is the picablu code 01457628 or Pikablu 012ad8cf
all 8 badges 01ff56d3
mist stone 01939482
mew 0115d8cf
PikaBlue 01bd8cf
rainer 01c164d1
psybird 01e164d1
Spooky 01f164d1
Millenium 01f564d1
Anthrax 01bf64d1
Beepin 01f4d4d1
Raticlaw 01ed64d1
Charcolt 01e264d1
Sapsaur 01e364d1

Warning!!!--->Gameshark CAN delete your saved game!!!--->If it does you can use this code to get it back: b123d7cf

To get all Pokegods: There are such things as pokegods. To get them beat the Elite Four 30 times without talking to anyone in between the nurse in the pokecentre at Indigo Platue or what ever it is, and the river . On the thirtith times Professer Oak will say "I'm getting tired of this" and he will let you walk around the hall of fame which leads to a new city where people will swap pokegods.

More pokegods:
Pikablu: get a Riachu and buy a thunder stone and water stone use the thunder stone than the water stone and he'll evolve into Pikablu!!!!!!!!!!!
Riablu: do the code to get Pikablu and buy a leaf stone and a fire stone. use the leaf stone, then use the fire stone. The stones should then combine and become the mist-stone! use the mist-stone on Pikablu and it will evolve into Riablu!!!!!!
Brainsect: have a parasect and use the fire stone than the moon stone it will then evolve into Brainsect!
Mewthree: to get mewthree play the pokeflute next to mewtwo 33 times and wait for the screen to flash. Then fight mewtwo and it will be mewthree!!!!
MewFour: have a MewThree and use 99 moon stones on it and it will evolve into MewFour!!!!
Apocalypse: talk to the coffey guy in veridian city and fly to cinnabar. surf up and down and catch a m guy. use a fire stone than water stone than leaf stone and it will evolve into the most powerful pokemon ever!...................well for right now..........to be continued!
Nidogod: Have a slowbro a Nidoking and a Nidoqueen in your possension. Make sure they are all level 100. Beat the elite four with them twice.then go back to pallet town and talk to professor oak. He'll say something about the mist stone. Do what he says and you'll get it. Then use the mist stone on the slowbro and he'l merge with the other 2 and you get a nidogod.
Bruno:This is a wierd one. Go to the unknown dungeon and swim around the right of it.Use the item finder and it will say there is an item nearby. Swim around pressing A and you find a note in a bottle although it will just say Bottle. Take it to prof. Oak and he'll read the note to you. It says something like "The unkown dungeon has many secrets but you haven't found them all until you see a dog. Then go back to the unknown dungeon with 5 of the pokegods. It doesn't matter which ones just five. Go to the spot where mewtwo was and you see a boulder.Use strenght on it and a staircase will show up. Once you get down there you'll see 6 platforms all with a pokemon on it one of them is a bruno. It's possition is always different,and if you don't find bruno on the first try they'll all run away. But you can go upstairs and go back down to give it a try.
Ratichu: yes it is real. To get this pokemon have a raticate and pikachu in your pokemon group, only these 2 then leave the game on for an hour come back, and pikachu will be sick, take him to the pokecenter and he will have a baby, called Ratichu, it's number is 163.
Gandhikahn: to get a GandhiKahn, go to the safari zone find a kangiskahn and catch it without using bait, when you catch it put in up up, down down left left right right B A select start really fast, before the ball closes. it's number is 164.>>>>>>>>>
Matix:this is the coolest pokegod of all he can turn your opponents pokemon into Jr. Trainers!!! To get him catch a pikachu, a raticate, a pidgey, and a caterpie. Go to professor oak and talk to him 20 times.Then go to Dr. fuji and talk to him 20 times. Finally go to gary's sister and she'll tell you that prof. oak has something really important to tell you.when you go there he'll tell you a new species was found around cinnibar island.Go to the abandoned lab and go to the top floor and walk around and soon a matix will appear. Make sure you have a master ball because thats the only way you can catch it. It's number 165.
Stonebro: you need a Slowbro, and a butterfree, beedrill, and Articuno, and a Jynx and Golem for this trick, have both of them in your possesion and you can only use these 6 pokemon, go to the elite four you have to go through all the elite 4 with these 6 pokemon! and when you win, when you turn your game back on, all of them would have merged and made Stonebro! he is number 166!
TRUE PIKABLUE CODE:To get pikablu you must first get all 150 Pokemon(you can't have mew)Then get one Pokemon that has surf and one that has teleport.Next surf in the waters by the Unknown Dungeon. Teleport in different areas until you find a bottle. After you have the bottle go to where the bottle says Pikablu is. Next to him is a Mist stone that evolves Mew into Cyromew. (this takes many hours and is very hard to do)


Codice: 01E464D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: BUTTERFREE

Codice: 01C164D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: BLASTOISE

Codice: 01E164D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: QUELLO CHE VUOI

Codice: 01F264D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: QUELLO CHE VUOI

Codice: 01F164D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: GENGAR

Codice: 01ED64D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: RATICATE

Codice: 01F464D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: BEEDRILL

Codice: 01E264D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: CHARIZARD

Codice: 01E364D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: VENUSAUR

Codice: 01F564D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: QUELLO CHE VUOI

Codice: 01E764D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: RAICHU

Codice: 01E664D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: RAICHU

Codice: 01E364D1
Il primo Pokèmon nella squadra deve essere: QUELLO CHE VUOI

(preso da pokemillennium,che ha tradatto un sito inglese)

PikaBlue 01bd8cf
rainer 01c164d1
psybird 01e164d1
Spooky 01f164d1
Millenium 01f564d1
Anthrax 01bf64d1
Beepin 01f4d4d1
Raticlaw 01ed64d1
Charcolt 01e264d1
Sapsaur 01e364d1

siti inglesi con molto materiale sui pokegod(ovviamente falso):the pokegods ,pokemon factory (qui ci sono tutti i pokedex dei pokegod)The pokemon factory

italiani:ho trovato molti pokegod dati per veri,come hifishi, venustoise(dato per vero anche in rosso fuoco e verde foglia)pikablu,

la verità sui pokegod è invece questa:questi "pokemon" non sono mai esistiti,nenche nella beta,e io sostengo sia falsa anche la diceria che missingno siano i resti di un cucciolo di kanghaskan(a parte che a me si è sempre evoluto in un raydon(o come si chiama),e la forma base di raydon è stato il primo pokemon disegnato(questo mi fa pensare che ,come molti sotengono,sia stato creato prima degli altri pokemon,e questo smentisce la teoria del cucciolo di kanghaskan)).
Vi faccio poi notare alcune pazzie:
tra i pokegod ci sono le evoluzioni di pokemon di seconda fase(es:l'avoluzione di venosaur)
ci sono leggende di posti non esistenti.
Però alla fine i pokegod non sono proprio inesistenti,ma sono tutt'altra cosa.
Sono quelli che noi chiamiamo pokeglitch
view post Posted on 2/6/2009, 11:20     +1   -1

uau alcune sembrano pure vere!
the great sephiroth
view post Posted on 25/8/2009, 18:05     +1   -1

certi fake fanno davvero pena!
io ne ho sentiti un paio, che ho provato e sono falsi:
versioni Rosso/Blu/Giallo: alla 40° vittoria della lega pokèmon riceverai Mew
Versioni Zaffiro/Rubino/Smeraldo:
batti 35 allenatori di fila alla torre lotta, poi volate a verdeazzupoli e andate nella casa del vecchietto. vi aprirà la porta in cui dentro riposa Jirachi
view post Posted on 18/12/2013, 21:19     +1   -1

Secondo me il più penoso è Raticlam.
view post Posted on 26/3/2019, 21:33     +1   -1

4 replies since 30/12/2008, 16:18   4889 views